CAS is a widely used biological wastewater treatment process that utilizes microorganisms to break down organic matter and remove pollutants from wastewater. It is one of the most common and traditional methods for treating both domestic and industrial wastewater.
The activated sludge process is a conventional biological process that is used for reduction of organic matter present in the wastewater. It basically involves the oxidation of carbonaceous biological matter, for reduction of the organic pollutants.
The process takes advantage of aerobic micro-organisms that can digest organic matter in wastewater, and are then wasted as sludge, thereby removing the non-active microbes from the system. The supernatant from this process can be further clarified in a secondary clarifier, thus providing an effective reduction of pollutant parameters.
This basic process can also be coupled with Anaerobic / anoxic process for reduction of nitrogenous matter or phosphate. Part of the settled material, the sludge, is returned to the aeration system to maintain the active microbial mass for degradation of the incoming wastewater entering the tank. |
All of our systems have been able to produce treated water with very low organic pollutant (BOD, COD, etc.) concentrations, well within what is required to meet the client’s discharge specifications. Many of these installations have been designed as extended aeration systems.
FEATURES- Standard Capacities 10,000 CMD. - Medium Footprint.
- Medium Energy Consumption. - Easy Operation. - Clarifire Sedimentation. - Manual Screen Included. - Medium CapEx & Medium OpEx. |
ADVANTAGES- Excellent Water Quality Acceptable for Irrigation .
- High Efficient Reduction of BOD, COD, TSS. - Reduce Public Health Risk. - Improving Sustainability. - Low Maintenance Cost. - Provide Clean & Safe Water For Different Applications. |
- Municipal Wastewater Treatment.
- Huge Water Treatment Plant.
- Industrial Wastewater Treatment .
- Industrial Complexes.
- Huge Water Treatment Plant.
- Industrial Wastewater Treatment .
- Industrial Complexes.
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